Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The New Messiah Has Arrived In Canada

By Patricia Lefave, Labelled, D.D.(P)

The new ministry is now proselytizing in the streets of Ottawa. I heard a rumour that he had a pizza for lunch and this is how it looked. If this is not a sure 'sign' what is?

The new one has replaced that ‘old ‘ messiah known as Jesus, and has come with great power and many ‘signs’ and wonders, prepared to alter the perceptions and reactions of Yea, the whole world!

Sigmund Christ has come at last. Hallelujah brothers and sisters!
You don’t believe me?
Well then, take a look.

Ottawa Innercity Ministries

I heard a rumour that he had a pizza for lunch and this is how it looked. If this is not a sure 'sign' what is?

Now, for those of you who may be resisting and still interested in choosing your own Messiah, like Jesus Ben Joseph for instance, who has been proclaimed post mortem by many of the new one’s apostles to have been ‘schizophrenic’ and suffering from a ‘messiah complex’, you will have to go to the counter culture for hope and inspiration I’m afraid.

Does anyone find this new proclamation quite absurd or ironic like I do? Or is it just my madness making me laugh about it? (You know us nuts. We like to laugh for no reason that psychiatrists can see)

Alliance To Stop Psychiatry's Influence In Religion and Education

You might also look at the other links of the new counter culture on the right side of my blogs and also check out the ‘Personal Pick’s Website list there as well.

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