Friday, January 21, 2011

Vegetating Mobs

Vegetating Mobs

A common syndrome suffered to varying degrees by dysfunctional groups of people who are obsessed with being forever blameless about pretty much anything, and who want to keep everything just as it is, so they don't have to feel bad about anything. These sufferers call dysfunctional relating 'normal' and 'just the way life is.' Anyone who states there is something wrong with that, generally becomes the focused target of a SPUDSS Mobbing Reaction, in which the SPUDSS symptom formation, often dormant until  activated by a psycho-social trigger, is utilized for defense, on a group level, to suppress and gain control over, the perceived 'threat'. 
This syndrome is sometimes referred to colloquially as:
 The Potato Heads Problem
On a group reaction level it is called: Enmeshed Potatoes

[1]          Splitting, Projecting, Undermining, Denying and Suppressing Syndrome

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