By Patricia Lefave, Monophrenic
Here's a little
exercise in awareness for all of you reductionists. With the
exception of telling you HOW to do it, this one is self directed.
of course, we will have to know what the metaphors are all about
so study them first- Brave New World, 1984, Alice in Wonderland,
Ground Hog Day, the Truman Show, and, of course, the Matrix. (take
the blue pill)
let's watch the no doubt, well meaning Joel Gold, find a new
“disease” and convince others via his expertise as an “authority”
figure that his “interpretation” of reality is amazing. He sure
can “read” us “defectives” can't he? He does so of course by
expanding on what he has already been TAUGHT to accept by previous
“authorities,” who are passing it all along and then building on
it, generation after generation, of similar, experts like for example
Sigmund, who , for example, KNEW that women who said
they had been sexually assaulted, sometimes in childhood, by adults,
often by those they knew,
some family members, were really
just projecting their
OWN hidden perversions.
how that works?)
is just what YOU
wanted to happen! Sigmund
cried at them with his “I've got you now”, unquestioned power and
control over
that kinda remind
you of what abusers
tell their own victims?
would not be happening if YOU
weren't making
me do it or
“taking a victim stance” and bringing
it all down on yourselves?
In regular circles of non experts this is known as victim- blaming
and believe me, the true sociopaths just LOVE the general
co-operation with that.
Many of Joel's patients over whom he holds unquestioned power and
control have told him in their sessions with him that the feel like
they are in The Truman Show or “trapped in the Matrix.” Joel of
course then “interprets” this, from his position, over
them as objective observer of the subjects, to mean something like;
“They actually
they are in a movie.”
(Matrix Disorder?)
It must be awful to HAVE
a “disease” that causes you to believe that you are in a
manufactured reality, that is not real, and that you can't get out
of, no matter how hard you try.
of the Matrix)
“b.” is a nexus statement. As it might
be described in some other systems of power and control, a nexus
statement is one that is TRUE
to both
parties but the “interpretation” of the statement, as connected
to concrete details (context) is very different
and therefore SPLIT
off from each other, from opposing
is about metaphors used to tell the other, who cannot hear plain,
straight forward language, what it FEELS
like to be trapped
with him, in
the situation that he is in, while being TOLD
what his reality IS,
by an authority figure who holds concrete power
over him and who cannot hear a word he says about it, no matter how
many times, or how many WAYS,
he tries to penetrate the observer's
difference is like that of a psychiatrist who sees himself as an
objective observer of a “subject” and that of one who sees
himself as a subjective participant in a relationship “with”, not
“about an equal human being. (who may well HAVE more problems in
life than just his relationship with Joel. Still Joel is now another
problem ADDED.)
In the first case, Joel will make his subject “fit” into his
pre-fab beliefs and will do so as an abstraction in absolute terms.
In the second scenario Joel will actually LISTEN to is patient’s
problems, accept them as reality and try to help him work out a way
to get past them.
biggest difference between these two humans is that ONE of them has
the unquestioned power and control over the other one who has no
power at all to either stop him or escape the situation he is in with
the one with all the power can dictate to the other the very
definition of reality itself and the other is powerless to change
that....just LIKE
in the Sci-Fi movie, The
Matrix, in
which the patient feels trapped
with no way out.
The guys in the suits, who all look and sound the same, are dictating
the nature of his reality to him and there is nothing he can do about
it. That is a current metaphor.
patients in the fifties called it like being trapped in the sci-fi
novel Brave New
which Ewen Cameron, M.D. at the Allen Memorial, was reading
when he was experimenting with psychiatric patients there, who were
in his “care,” while he was working with
the CIA. His colleagues at the time recognized the similarity to the
book he was reading. His colleagues of course, didn't get labelled
crazy for that since they weren't “the subjects.” At least they
as far as they KNEW.
Orwell, who knew
Cameron wrote 1984 after that. So does it seem like all the much of a
surprise that the people HAVING
this experience should recognize
it conceptually in these
two books? It doesn't to me.
you are inherently “'superior” as human beings holds a lot of
appeal to a lot of people because this false belief makes people FEEL
better about themselves. This is why
Adolph Hitler and a whole host of other dictators, with hidden
agendas of domination, used it and continue to use it as a primary
means of gaining control of populations. It allows them to gain the
support of a whole lot of otherwise “normal' people who are blind
to it and who don't see the true agenda behind it until AFTER it is
already too late. The seeds of war are first planted in the minds of
those who will help to cause it to happen.
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